Friday, October 14, 2022

The Infomercial

I think we have to believe what is possible.

It's not impossible, it's possible.

Time isn't something to manage, it's something to leverage,

it has the ability to multiply and contract.

We've all experience moments dragging on,

and hours passing in a flash,

what then, is time?

When you are done pondering the fluidity of time,

turn your gaze to hope. Let your heart burn

with an ember of desire.

Isn't hope and desire dependent on our sense of mastery?

Isn't mastery just a leap of faith?

Belief is the last frontier.

Take a leap over time.

Take a look in a moment.

It's not day to day activities that take you where you are going

but the moment to moment habits

the access you give

the boundaries you draw

but most importantly

the dreams

you create.

Image source: Avalanche Creative list of Infomercials