Friday, March 31, 2023


Laughter is the silk that touches hands

woven with the flair of fairy wings

caressed by cartographers with no plans

to map the throat before we start to sing

Falling on each other like the rain

splashing in the gratefulness of glee

winding in our rivers and our flames

shooting up like branches on a tree

Graceful buds blooming in the sun

flowers with colors bright and gay

shaking with our spines until we're done

and we begin dreaming again 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Black Earth Mirth

Guided by the gilded cage, the yellow canary in the cafe

Denied trial by the police, sitting in a prison of penmanship

Poet with a tilted hat, black skin, earth in each line

Fixed the face of the mechanic, frantic with panic

strumming the magic mandolin 

erasing the tragic pendulum

swinging like a trapeze in a big band




she's going to 


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

All You Can Hear

Forgiveness is a hoax

a snake in a box

Gravity and the smell of the river

Feet touching the earth

Never revealed 

in mixed company

her heart in her bones

the rocking chair


Purple is a mood

salt shaker in her hands

the iris growing wide

as I see through my own lies

the swinging screen door

the old car rusted through

the pill box is empty

the pit bull we pet

on the chain

sit silent

old movie

raptured in teeth

quit delaying the quiet



Monday, March 27, 2023

Dog-Eared Leaves

The dog-eared leaves wilting on the trees

it's a cold spring day and they need water

while the breeze off the lake picks up

and the sunlight rises like a python out of a basket

snake eyes hypnotize me for a moment

before I zip my coat.

The whirring sound mixing with the engine

of the diesel garbage truck and its big clanking noises

which eclipse the softer shades of brown

on the bark

as the wind

shuffles the branches quietly

like a tired dealer

shuffling the deck

at the eerie casino.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Ride Home

Fog covers the night 

All the streetlights look like moons

The cab leans to the right 

We are on Lake Shore Drive 

The driver and me

he is on the phone 

His voice is deep 

I close my eyes

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Tipping Points

            The charts are tipping over 


                                  aLL the Lines 

the quadrants full of aXis

           flippant and fiddling 

                  razors sharp with wit


According to the newscasters the data is in...





     We have no where left to go

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Run rabbits run

Eaten by the wolf, for he is hungry...

The dill pickle criminal sick and subliminal

Tuned to remedial, punked on residuals

The hot dog of omnipresent despair

pays her bills, takes her pills, roars like a lion 

sign on the dotted line, and run up the hill 

the garden is full of perennials

the menial laborers weeding on their knees

picking up the tiny, invisible, scattered seeds

The soul of the soil: stones, minerals and trees

These days, we are so busy as society...

redefining what it means

to be a thief.

We love to point our fingers

like the branches of a snarled tree

growling like the wolf

justified to the teeth

but have yet to master the random art

of the wildflower 

blowing in the wind



amongst the weeds.

Read this poem up from the bottom.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Household Sounds

I like to hear the coffee grinder whir as the galloping beans disappear into a cup of chocolate sawdust.

My clothes iron makes a sound like a whistle when it's hot. The steam is singing.

The shower faucet, as it spins, eeks and gawks, like a ghoul in the wall tapping drunk morse code.

When I was little, the bathtub faucet made a super satisfying KONK with overtones when the water was shut off.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Bricks and Windows

The beige bricks and the canyon side have the earth in common, yet a journey stands between them.

The East window is sky-blue with scattered clouds simply due to a reflection.

We are full of the sky if we let ourselves be a mirror.

We can build if we allow the rocks within us to be excavated, crushed, stirred, formed into cubes, dried, stacked, aligned, slathered with mortar, and bit by bit we are raised.

What a long journey we have when we choose to be a brick, compared to when we choose to be a window.

There is something rather satisfying though, about baking in the sun. And glass, well it's far too fragile to bear some travels. When the rain comes, it bounces off the glass, running down in like little rivers, where I trace my finger. The brick wall, I hardly notice, as it soaks in the rain as it runs down the gutters into the alley.

Thursday, March 9, 2023


Shortcuts are more than tempting they are addictive

With technology they are also abundant

But just like she said to sell the shadow to support the substance

content sure makes you look busy to your "boss"

or whoever you think is watching

nowadays it's Big Brother and Little Woke Sister

they're all onya waiting to pickyapart and cancelya.

or worse, SOB! ignore you.

So you better post, boy you better post.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


 I've got a mission today. The thought of putting the cat in the carrier makes me so nervous I'm about to jump out of my skin. When my sister and I tried before, the cat escaped, with a great deal of drama and screaming. Truly, there is something to the saying of letting the cat out of the bag.

However, I have a strategy. Chicken soft gluten free treats. They only cost $15.99, which is a lot of money for cat treats, but, if they get the cat into the carrier, so be it.

I imagine it will be like if someone put me in a box and gave me Cheeseburgers. 

Let's see how this goes.

I love cat sitting and the cat's name is Kavetch, which I heard means something like "bitching" in another language. He's been here a week. His fur and dander is in my nose, but it's incredible to have another heartbeat here. His pink and black nose, and his attitude, please me.

I can't expect the cat to not be a cat, and I can't expect humans to not be humans.

Cats need to be lured into a carrier, and humans need to be lured to new ideas.

They may think new ideas will hurt them.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


I walked out in the sunlight reflecting on the blacktop

to wait to meet my friend who is bringing me incense.

When he and I talked, he also gave me sweets

wrapped up in brown paper.

The sunlight and the cool air makes this memory,

along with the smell of the incense

and him telling me to put tinfoil

on it so it doesn't burn too much

and to create just enough of a mood

while I am playing guitar or chilling out.

When I light the incense

I will imagine the sunlight again

sifting through the trees

and the cool breeze.

Thoughtfulness is the memory,

incense is just a smell

to remove the everyday

and lift us to the divine.

What is more than divine 

than the Earth, Heaven?

I am way too simple to know.

Odd Thought

I had an odd thought today

that poems are not meant to be my own point of view

but an expression, a proof, a mission, an attempt

to put my own language on an altar

and to prove the worth and beauty of my language

to the world.

This counteracts everything.

No expression, no story, no vibe, no juice.

My car doesn't matter, just the road.

Looking at the road out the window,

is one language more beautiful than any other


or is it the ideas expressed 

which are lovely?

Image source:

A road trip along California’s Hwy 395 from Lake Tahoe to Death Valley will take your breath away © Mark Read / Lonely Planet


In the early morning outside I

 passed the girl on the sidewalk 

Her covered with a face mask

Hunched over like the hunchback Notre Dame

I waltzing by in running shoes 

With holes in the toes

Motivated for a morning walk 

Ready for whatever comes my way 

She was more concerned about preventing 


And I was more concerned about 

Capturing health 

Chasing it 
