Monday, March 15, 2021

Revisions of the Snow



Smoke and ghosts sailing across the sidewalk, like a snake, as the snow came in. Wet, fluffy flakes were face-biting, beautiful and mysterious. 


Smoky trails from ghosts racing across the sidewalk, like ships rushing to the horizon. The cold front had been stalking us, her cornflower blue haze had been hanging as the west wind announced her arrival.


Smoking ghosts sailing across the sidewalk, slithering sideways and racing like misty ships towards the horizon 


Fluffy flakes bit my face as slithering ghosts and smoky mist raced toward the horizon at my feet like snakes rushing to escape.


Smoking ghosts blew snowflakes into my face, biting skin and sending snakes racing across the sidewalk, white and misty.


Smoking ghosts exhaled. Lacy mist slithered sideways like snakes across the sidewalk trying to escape the west wind and race to the horizon of the cold cornflower blue sky. The wet snow bit my face. The effect was beautiful, and mysterious.