Monday, August 16, 2021

No More Sirens

The tender time to test my fate has come

The pirate ship has sunk and I'm adrift

The jug of rum is unstuck from my thumb

the world still wiggles underneath my ship

The Earth in all her curves looks flat to me

Perhaps I've spent too much time on the sea

Looking at the far-off curved horizon

Each slip and swell taking me ever near...

yet I can't reach what I have my eyes on

The harbor of my home she will miss

She's in Hades with her cape of chaos

The monks in saphron robes are not so far

eyes glisten as I listen to the stars

my elbows perched on the crow's nest up high

I almost hear the Heavens start to sigh

So close am I when tunderstorms let go

torrential rains then chill us to the bone

we are safe just by the skin of our teeth

when skies clear and sunlight offer relief

yet the moment I feel like I'm alive

is when I listen and I hear the storm.

Her and I speak through some ancient channel

A conch shell to the ear the static calls

Mysteries of the sirens and stone gods

The blue-black ooze of her blood now runs cold

All I see, a constellation shattered

Romance in the stars that never matttered.

True North?

I wandered on the sea foam sprays.

Posiedon's trident driven in her heart.

Her madness echoes into the coral

My sadness comes out through the darkest cave

The lips she once kissed have become

her rage.