Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Cynic

I try to keep my cynic in a cage

I guild each bar so she stays

her mouth is foaming with the lies

fed by silver spoons gleaming like war planes

in the sky

Sometimes her mind is buzzing

like multitudes of preachers and popes on Sunday morning

muttering and shouting and searching

like a distant click clack of a train car

humming like a motor, a truck, or powerlines

Other times it is quiet and dark

as black as the inside of a coffin

of a small child killed by an American bomb.

Sometimes she lays there not knowing what to do

sometimes the sadness is so heavy

it's not the weight of the world 

but the difference between worlds

that has her down.

Then she awakes in the morning like a bird

but doesn't sing.

She's mad but it's not the mad hatter mad

from being stoned on the lead of American boredom.

It's a sinking mad, feeling the weight

of the darkness of the caves in Afghanistan.

She rattles the cage. If she wasn't in the cage,

we might not hear her at all.

She trembles the bars

reverberating to the heart of those who have lost

too much.

Hangs in the air like the stare of a young child looking

at the space where his arm used to be,

grunting to do daily tasks,

always thinking of land mines

in the back of his mind.

Even in this one grunt I hear

a whole coughing dissonant symphony of 

foreign policy. Foreign...policy?

Kink the hose of infinity.