Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Rim of the Cup

The smooth circle has haunted men since Leonardo's time

as they tried to draw it and divide it and make it square inside

How will I believe the sun is merely an echo

of the top of my coffee cup?

This circular line, the orbit of us all.

Did you feel the heat of the sun today, cascading down your back?

Burning your skin with its piercing, as if jealous of you

down here on Earth while she is stuck in the sky

hanging there like a chandelier, burning for all time,

do you ever think of how SHE feels?

No I just crept into the shade

to dream and inhale the darkness

The corners were all so sharp there

the sidewalk, the curb, the edge of the buildings

The power lines, now those were a mess

strewn up on the pole like my Aunt Jenny's jet black hair

as she piled it up with giant sea shell clips

How did electricity ever get through that yarnball

to power the refrigerators and the washers

or start the day when someone plugs in a toaster?

It comes down from the pole in a straight line.