Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Moving Through Time


Flip a dime, the world itself is a gamble.
It took decades to meet you 
now that you're here I hardly know you.
Let us talk over tea, my consciousness and I.
I will wager that the wheel is round
and you will say just wait, you'll come around.


Flip a dime, you're bound to win.
It took decades to meet you again
now that you're here I hardly know you.
Let us meet again, as if for tea,
I can talk with you, and you with me.
Let the sunshine fall into the window
and give us the stillness of the day
you, my consciousness and I.


Basking in the warm glow of the unknown
betting my last dollars that wheels were indeed round
and all I had to do was spin.
The minimum wager was the whole of existence
and the funny part is that once you're in
you're bound to win.
It took decades to meet you again
now that you're here I hardly know you.
Let us meet again, as if for tea,
I can talk with you, and you with me.
Let the sunshine fall into the window
and give us the stillness of the day
me, my consciousness and I
moving through time.