Friday, July 7, 2023

I am Vacuum, Hear Me Roar

I am Vacuum, Hear Me Roar

the pith of my suck as I clean your rug

I am Vacuum, Hear Me Roar

You want everything to be perfect

I will make it so

running my fingers down your back

as my wheels turn 

as I moan

You want me independent 

bent and straight

Pistons rushing the engine of fate

Swords drawn and karate kicks

stoic intellectualism

storms of power

it's what I am designed to do:


The bureaucratic mess of electricity

won't stop me

from taking my cord to the wall

turning my button to on

and challenging the dirt of the world

I can only clean when the world is flat

Magellan and his round earth

confuse me

Karma and the wheel of fortune don't gel

with my racetrack mentality

I am a greyhound 

and the gate is lifted 

and I am trained to run

As I round the bend and my legs break

and my ideals crash from


the sound of pots and pans

drum kits falling from a ten story building

a piano slamming into the cement floor.

I am Vacuum, Hear Me Roar