Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Coffee and Conversation

Do you read?

Yeah of course

What kind of books?

What do you mean?

What kind of books?

None really.

I thought you said you read.

Yeah I can read.

So like what do you read?

The menu for the morning coffee, the special is on the wall. Sometimes there's a funny quote when you walk in like "all is not lost, but get found anyways," something like that.

You read what's written.

Yeah, like what I can see, I can read, did you think I was illiterate?

No we can all the read the writing on the wall...I meant do you read for enjoyment?

Like for pleasure, the pleasure of reading?

Yes, the pleasure of reading.

Well, I do enjoy finding out that coffee is $2.83.



Yes do you read books?

Well, it's clear I read the menu, and the writing on the wall, why would I need to open up a stack of paper, and pour through someone's ideas. 

Well, it might give you ideas. It might be fun. I find it fun.

You do?


You like to read other people's ideas? What about your own?

Well, their ideas give me ideas.

Ha, that's like coffee filling its own cup.

For $2.83 I'd buy an infinite cup of coffee.

Hey Jack

Yeah Moe

Have you read Ulysses?

No, that's a huge book.


I thought you didn't read books.

No but I know of them. I've heard about them. I only read them by listening to what people say about them. If I hear about a book, having never read it, then I know it's a good book.

Well, how do you know it's good?

Good? Well, the words travel, beyond the page. Like space explorers. Words, letters in tiny space ships, blasting off the page. 

Right, because someone read it in the first place.

Yes, of course, someone did.

So someone has to be reading.

Now, I'm not knocking reading, I am just saying I have my own way of separating the good books and the great books.

Yes, ok, I see.

You don't believe me?

Well--I just don't think that's what makes a book great. A great book has an effect on the reader, it's full of great ideas, and can make you think of new ideas, ones you never thought before?

Ah, it's just regurgitation.

Regurgitation? No, it's intellect.

Intellect, regurgitation. Like a bird feeding its young. It basically is just puking you know.

Oh, come on I'm eating. These are good egg sandwiches by the way.

Yes they are. Did you see the barista in the brown hair? 


She writes the signs, the chalkboard signs. She does a good job.

Yes, yes. 

I am saying she does a good job because she's deciding what to write, it's facts, it's prices. Like the cup of coffee costs this much, or that much. They set the price, and it's the price.


So that's not intellect, that's facts! I like facts.

So do I.

No you don't you like ideas, because you read books. And you don't know if it's any good, you just get all the ideas, and you think more ideas, and then you talk my ear off all day.

Well, you seem to have a lot to say.

That's because I am trying to get to the bottom of it.