Saturday, December 3, 2022

Hangers in the Coatroom

In the coatroom, sometimes the hangers make shadows and it looks quite artistic. Sometimes a vinyl raincoat hanging catches a light in a certain way that makes it look like rubber. And oh, the perfumes and the colognes, rich robust orange lemon cotton candy floral hearth. Oh the furs, oh the vintage numbers. I could just hug them all and fall into them, imagining what it's like to go out on the town. I stand and get the coats at the end of the night, and smile. I try to keep my mouth closed when I smile. I don't know why but I think that's more polite. I realized after awhile that the tips that go into my little brass cup aren't really about my value, they are a way of people showing that they value their coat. It's all very complex, yet so simple. Sometimes my hands run longingly on the soft fabrics as I hang them on the hangers. When the hangers are empty again, at the end of the night, that's when the hangers cast the shadows. It's not dull nor dreary actually, it's quite evocative and ready for a MOMA exhibit. Hangers, in the coatroom.