Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Quarters in the Laundry Room

I am counting quarters, 6, 7, 8

unless I have $2 I will have to wait.

I do, I'm good and all is well

and all of them are shiny bright.

I have some that are colorful, dark and distressed,

from years so covered up you have to guess

I call these my "alchemy" quarters and I 

am bummed when I need to use them for wash

as they are so beautiful

so much variety

so strange to think 

of all that the quarters have been through

...to rub and leak against chemicals

and reactions to the air

where have these quarters been?

Gaseous fumes on other planets?

In the soil on Mars?

In the souls of the devils

underneath the counter at some 

Country Western Bar

have they been on floorboards

or floating in raw sewage

in the pockets of politicians

or the grubby hands 

of a homeless woman

counting stars

Where have they been?

I just hold on to them sometimes.

Admiring their dark purples, blacks and greens, sepias and rusted reds.