Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Speaking of Time

Watches tick, watches watch me. Watches watch me wash my hands of all of this.

Clock tick, clocks clock me in the chest, my heart beats, each one like the timpani

of a thousand turtles, tromping across the sands.

Hourglass, where are your hands that turn you,

when they shift back and forth like a steering wheel

isn't time what we make of it, forwards, backwards,

left and right, that's merely politics

I was speaking of time.

Each breath is wasted, each sigh is moot

yet breath is the wind that connects us

to the sea, the shore and

the sand

again the sand.

I was out by Lake Michigan and it was a full moon

the tide was low

and the moon was shining down like a spotlight

on the stage of the water

cooing and rustling

as gently as possible

like bubble bath foam overlapping

each bedsheet as it was folded

again and again

in the washing machine

of love, of awe

and wonder.