Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Clearing a Path

Clear a path through the chaos ever-tipping toward the rug

the coffeecup and wide-eyed cats the window as it shrugs

the stained glass plate the miserable fork

laughing sinks somehow retort

didn't you mean to do that, to your face?

Let the laughter shuffle through your mind like wild geese in a V

in formation yet mysteriously.

Let the mystery unfold like a paper origami swan

let the riverboat travel downstream like a Mark Twain movie

let the Vegas strip go quiet for one night.

That film noir man is lurking in the shadows

ready with a gaze that will stop the criminals

a daunting task for sure to be aware of the subliminal

like wild animals we are

in our furs, and our pearls.

Damn movies, always keep me up late at night

I found myself crying and wrapped up in a ball

when the credits rolled and I suddenly awoke

from a dream.

It was 2:00 AM and not early enough to wake.

I fell back asleep and dreamt of things tipping over

the chaos that would await me in the morning light.

But when it came, I felt serene

and merely thanked God for my fingers and toes

over coffee.

Image source