Monday, December 4, 2023

Name for Sale?

There's a certain air of importance

or should I say error?

of being the coat check girl at the jazz club

It's different than being the coat check guy

although I suppose it's not the time for gender wars

but still

there's something silly about it

getting the little plastic tags

and handing people coats

one time someone called my name 

I couldn't place the face

and it turns out that someone told them

Hannah will take your coat

and I about barfed on myself as I realized it was like

I was a butler

and "Jeffrey will bring the car around for you now" (please add British accent)

I kind of stopped and stiffened and laughed

one thing I realized is people don't tip for how much they care about you--

they tip on how much they care about their coat.

Sometimes I look at the coat hangers making cool shadows

and think of it like sculpture

sometimes I try to think of how many words I can make up

starting with the first letter of each word on the restrooms sign











Sometimes I look at the shadows and think of the colors,

and of art problems I am working on.

Sometimes I get tea.

Sometimes I listen to the band.

The music used to be so moving to me

I could just be whisked away

now I think if I hear one more moving ballad

or burning solo

I'm going to 

move to
