Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Modern Pyre

I am Big Brother, I am Facebook

I am Musk, I am Bezos

I am Apple.

I see all and pick the ripest photos

I show you the people you love and admire

I show you what you hate

I show you what you cannot stand

I make you gasp

I control your emotions

I feed your impulses and wreak havoc on your sleep

I make you scroll and scroll

I turn your mind weak

I give you moments of sun

motivational videos

and ambition

improvements in self care

which you can purchase

and have shipped to you 


I am Big Brother, I am Facebook

I am Instagram and Amazon

I am smartphone internet

carpal tunnel eyeballs stare at the altar of the self

you think you see your own humanity

but it's behind a mirror--

meanwhile the real you is

burning at the modern pyre.