Friday, November 10, 2023

Where I Was Going

The tragedy of being smug

clicks in me like quarters in the slot

clanking and settling with a thud.


I was going to write a poem about the tragedy of being smug

and talk about Katherine Hepburn's father 

and the circus

and the people that came to my work

looking to get in 

and me turning them away

in my big black sweater and my migraine haughtiness

and how I hated myself for that.

I was going to paint a great painting

on a 30x40 canvas

but it ended up being a mess

I was going to prove that I could write a long poem

by drawing it out like a line in the sand

far and away

a stick in the wet earth

I was going to talk to Nina Simone at the beach

call me crazy but I thought maybe I could

that I had a favor somewhere

I was going to go to Bethlehem but I had a star

stuck in my shoe

a tack really

a shiny little thing

making it hard to walk

I was going to lift more boxes

and show that I was strong

stacking hay bales in the shade of the barn

and burning myself in the sun

that tiny little sunburn to show I am alive

those pained muscels drawn into shape

like Stubbs horses

decomposing in the barn

and Louis the Sun King

and his palace


about horsemen

and equine therapy

and Delta Blues and Piedmont Blues

and everyone having their own personality

I was going to die in Gaza

hand on my heart and head at the sky

eyes rolled back

I was going to fist bump the bus driver

for giving me a ride

so late at night

and not looking at me too hard

when I fell asleep 

after putting the quarters

into the dollar slot