Thursday, September 29, 2022

A Little Farther

The days slip by like eels as we age, 

when I was young

they opened up like decades.

The sun shining, the purple Iris.

It's 80 degrees I remember hearing.

I remember how it was so hot.

The blacktop.

It seemed infinite

this moment of heat

of knowing how hot it was.

I remember being on the swing

at recess and thinking how I was 75 pounds.

I don't know who told me I was 75 pounds, 

or how I found out,

but I thought of that

as I was swinging

perhaps I was realizing I was



I remember hanging on the rings

playing "chicken fights" with the boys

after I had beaten all the girls.

The guy that beat me

I remember when he wrapped his legs around my waist

this was way before puberty

and I remember that moment of defeat

knowing that I had to let go.

In a way though,

it was still a victory 

because I was second place to the boy

that would go on to make touchdowns in high school.

I remember another competition

on the rings

I had to be swinging, forward and back

and my friend was pushing me from behind

and I would let go and see how far I could go

another girl was trying the same thing

with a friend pushing her

and we were competing

kind of like the long jump

but flying through the air from the rings

and the mark on the wood chips

where I broke my wrist

was farther than hers.

Time is slipping by like eels now

with each cup of coffee

my days are less competitive now.

The coffee is slippery

on my tongue

as I remember youth

my youth seems

so tasty now

the thrill of victory

the thrill of defeat

I can almost taste it.