Friday, February 14, 2025

Word Play with Sound 1

Stevie Wonder and cigarillos

Willow windows and rooms of Jello

Scoops of ice cream

James Dean side lean


Jaundiced candy

dice and laundry in January

Handyman gangster

Plaid rug

Happenstance Dancer

Laced with fancy hamsters

Framed in damaged tantric

Yams on the Titanic

Frantic and handsome

he's coming back besides

bugs are stacked in back

cow hide

horses rancid

Rapt attention, queens

hacking jackets

with plastic acid axes

don't mention the mentor

the mesmerizing tin dragon unhinged

a tinge of the shadows 





Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Who Owns the World

Who owns the history of the world

Its dodged bullets and its fireflies in jars

Its mad dog who-dunnits and the skyscrapers caked in concrete

breaking apart and me on my knees at a small desk typing

The angels are breaking apart her seance like an orange

The onion is peeled back

and I am a stark reptile

a baby bird yet to grow feathers disgusting as I craw for food