Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Electricity Morning

Oh God I am not static I am radio I am reborn
I am the electrical impulse of the city in the morn
I shake with each ion and charged belief
to keep my pulses on the brink of shaking leaves

I rock each tattered wire with canary song
Lifting the AC/DC as fast as steam in bongs
Carried like ghost ships on the wired sea
These black strings hanging from buildings are home to me

Electricity Electricity
count my shaking fingers

Bring me into being

But I shall not worry 
I will simply take flight
if you choose instead to live
by candlelight

Keep your own fire in your heart and flame
I was far from having a name

Look instead to the meadow
you will find me there
in the purple haze of yesteryear

It's too easy to fill the book page after page with rage
let us seek a quieter moment
within the cage

Align, align!
Shapes and colors unite
Let it all be simple 
with a ball of positive light
to heights.