Oh dreary dawn
stuck in my nostril like a burning rubber plant
Salted teeth
facts are not friends when fire is ash
Heart burning
Kleenex all over.
Late at night
seething moods
hurling adjectives at authority figures
to pass the time
Oh, sweet relief
Where are my vitamins
How do I kick myself properly
for not getting enough rest
for not drawing enough lines
for not being the boundary
between myself
and madness
I'll walk in the rain
think about coffee
and watch my steps
I will see the people on the sidewalk
the guy in the nice shirt
the woman sitting in the street
like she's the monk who set himself on fire.
Who am I to ask questions?
I'll just pull my hood tighter around my head
I'll call a friend who delivers ginger powder
in a cup kind of like gunpowder
I will be a samurai
cleaning slowly methodically
I will let my friend call
and talk me into spending $100 on a UHaul
to pick up
free sewing machines.