Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Eyes of the Wolf

A peculiar moon rose in the sky, the last night we were together, him and I.

The black wolf sat in the corner, staring at everything with its blank yellow eyes

I had miles to walk and it felt like years until the sunrise.

I kept going, with a rose in my teeth, a pirate on a sea of soil

The wolf came behind me, I could hear the patter of his feet

but just barely

because he is a hunter

and is used to walking quietly.

After some time had passed which I could tell by

the angle of Orion in the sky

I came upon a small stream and glanced into it

and took a bath in my reflection

my ego rising like the moon

my face wet and stoic.

The wolf stared at me, unmoving.

I dried off and kept going

through the brambles of the night

when we came to thistles and swamp

too thick to move through

I closed my eyes and said a prayer

and rode the wolf like a Pegasus

into the darkest corners of your soul.

There I held a mirror to you.

Do you see your face?

Your shoulder? Your jaw?

I set the mirror down.

I began to write in a journal.

Its words like sinews spread

like vines and roots

ink into the abyss

There, in my mind

dark waters bleeding into 

the clarity

until all rational expanse was covered

in small explosions and all that I could see

was a glaring white light

the day came

and then it was relief

to find that I held it in my heart

a small locket

I opened it and there

was the starry night

and the silent moon

and the eyes

of the wolf.