Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Hands & Hair

My fingers have bones 

they are there, underneath the skin

My wrist has a rubber band around it

It's a black elastic thing, and it's worn out 

so that part of it is thin, and part of it is thick

I have it wrapped three times around my hair

which is long and greasy today

I had it dyed over six months ago

by a lady who whispered, "You're gonna jam" in my ear as she was looming over me

and she left the color in too long 

and my hair and bathtub was purple for days

and I sat under the dryer

my locks getting singed off and when she blew dry it

I didn't have my glasses on 

and I couldn't tell how bad it was

until days later

It's growing out now

and I keep it tied up

tiny tweaks of grey are all on my forehead

like tin soldiers

standing guard

about to storm my forehead to remind me of age

I don't care much really

and I rather like my hands

with their slightly weathered look.

Notes: written after reading "A Small Place"