Sunday, February 5, 2023


I like to be surrounded

by men in shiny shoes tapping straight time

f holes with the curved lines.

I like jazz where it sounds like they're murdering a piano

I hop the bus to hear the bass beat

each minute second hour that strange power when the drum set crackles like

a kitchen sink

everything falls from the cupboards at once

in a senseless toy store trapped in amber

to admire like a treasure from a jewelry box.

Saxophone growling like rocks

the "calloused hands" of the band.

The bass player up and down the neck

the story is in his hands.

They call her Ladybird for the thrills and the trills

but I like it when her voice invokes suspense into the air,

and suddenly, in my heart, there's a lion, hiding in the brush,

about to strike.