Wednesday, February 8, 2023


The rhythm kid is what you need

Naw I'm happy being the underdog

The underdog doesn't need to dance

he just needs to come up strong

No begging

The spin-off kid is what you need

Naw I'm happy standing still

gravity is the biggest thrill I'll ever need

I'm always amazed how my face hurts

when I smack the ground



Get off your high-horse, girl

You are no cowboy

No Indian with an arrow

No Khan horseman

No rodeo barrel-runner

in those figure eights

Oh, I do declare I need a soap box once in awhile

But I ain't here to shine your shoes

Very well then dear, have some tea and we'll forget the whole thing

Ain't that easy, it's not even that easy for the Pope,

and you know that.