Thursday, January 12, 2023


The phone rings again it's Scam Likely,

it's America, that makes sense.

In December, nativity scenes now have GPS

implanted in baby Jesus.

The plastic doll is the most often stolen item

from a nativity scene,

according to news reports.

The GPS allows Jesus to be tracked down.

Only here in the Christian-ist of Christian nations

is the baby actually


people must be



I'm waiting for the cops to show up and say, "we need to search your house for Jesus."

People talk about cults like they are crazy

but surely the Jesuits showing up in boats

talking to the actual Americans

and asking them to cut their hair 

and carry a book

was a little odd.

What else can we do but dance with superstition

down in some voodoo love child of New Orleans

bathe in the snake dance and the Navajo drum

the sand castles and the gliding eagle

the mountains and the muttering

the peaks and valleys

the lost wagons the lost ways

who is anyone to tell you where to go

to find a light.

It's not a plastic Bic lighter, cheap and reliable

it's not a headlight on a train, a flashlight on an iPhone

nor a big fluorescent bulb waving from the ceiling

like a flag.