Friday, November 19, 2021

Big Catch

Flipping nets into the sea in the middle of a hurricane?

over the sides of the boat, just off the coast--do it in a hurry!

There she wobbles, her knees locking and eyes squinting to the spray

She is the subconscious fisherwoman of your soul, eager to catch the day,

join her!

The raging winds and sea merge to make her vision blurry

but she knows the ropes by heart

she's been fishing here before

every coarse thread, every move

is memorized,

and she will show you.

Once memory is gone, then what? The winds die down

and now you are in that raft,

floating on the Trade Winds

towards Cuba, with her,

trying to remember why you pushed the boat from shore in the first place?

Then a large colorful shadow moves under the boat and she jerks awake.

You cry: Bait? Who needs it! 

Let her use her hair as fishing twine.

Rip open her chest and throw her heart on the line.

There is no sense in missing the chance

to make a big catch.