Thursday, September 30, 2021

I Long

I long to introduce you to your better self.

Your artist, your apothecary, your alchemist.

Your architect, your drawer, your painter, your prophet.

I long to help you unlock your treaure chest 

on the desolate beach

and run your hand over all your hidden gems

and pearls

like a rosary

until you pray to yourself when you are weak.

I long to introduce you to your stronger self.

The one that is tough as boot leather, yet welcoming.

I long for you to find kittens in the empty boxes of your soul

and play with them, running yarn as long as your arm

and smiling which each tottering step.

I long for you to feel the sun on your face, every day.

I long for you to wake up happy, held for a moment in an embrace

just before you wake up, whether I am there or not.

I long to introduce you to your better self, the one that smirks at magic tricks

and is amused but has the real thing in the back pocket.

I long to shake your hands free of the false things 

that comfort you

Shake them out like grass clippings on a blanket

wrap you in wool

give you hot chocolate

and introduce you to the warm fire

of your own soul

which chases away the shadows for once

and for all.