Saturday, September 11, 2021

Corresponding Parachute

Miles of the madness drawn down threads

spinning on the wheel lengthening dreads

petals of the flowers fixtures on the scene

syllabalic majesty on tough streets lean

People and the papers peeking at the news

nosy to the neighbors sitting on the roof

binoculars and frying pans

shocking to the teeth

the minds of madness grinning while

the bankers and thiefs

keep on 

taking quarters from the pockets of the jeans

the shocking gestures meant a lot of

caught the attention of 

the money changers at the temple funky in their dance

The wedding of the credit cards and the marriage of the damned

I stopped you just before 

you got 

blood on 

your hands

tipping on the mysteries I drank the secret juice

and plotting my demise and jumped

and opened up 

my corresponding parachute.

This prose was written in the fashion of a drum solo.